Week 0: Hungarian Falls

A bunch of us went to a place called Hungarian Falls, it is a series of three falls back in the woods. If you want directions, you have to e-mail me. The place rocks! It is beatiful. I was told it is even better in the winter, so I will update the pictures then for all of you, K? Enjoy your stay here at the virtual falls!

waterfall2 This is the second fall. It is huge up close! and very loud! you can stand underneath it too! See bottom picture.
waterfall2 This is the first fall. The biggest out of them all. Man... So awesome.
waterfall2 The river in between a couple of the falls. The water is really shallow but moves rapidly. It is hard to believe this little stream leads into such a large fall.
waterfall2 The top of the first fall. Don't trip! One of my friends fell down the hill trying to get out of the fall. The scratch it left looked like road rash.
waterfall2 The long fall... It is a good 250 feet down. I hope you aren't afraid of heights.
waterfall2 Isn't this view great? There is a break in the trees and this is what you get.
waterfall2 The second fall again, it is my favorite, what can I say.
waterfall2 This is another random picture!
waterfall2 The third fall. The smallest of them all, but still impressive non-the-less.
waterfall2 This would be my roommates and a friend of ours at the second fall. I told you that a person can go under them.

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