A little about me

Hello there! My name is Sarah Amlotte, but I go by the nickname Teaz. I am a freshmen here at Michigan Tech. and my job with this site is to show you the things the college's official website doesn't tell you. Such as, where to go for fun, hang out, study, and a few other things that I have learned here. I am a mechanical Engineering major with a German minor. I have already become the Food Rep. for my hall (Northern Lights of DHH), have joined the Clean Snowmobile Competition, and this project, and am doing work study in the Writing Center. I was a little freaked out when I first got here. I moved in a day before everyone else and didn't know where to park or anything. Luckily, all I had to do was go to the main desk downstairs and ask them. They are really nice down there, don't be afraid to ask for anything! I found out really quick that the RA's are pretty safe and very helpful! I also found out that the male:female ratio thing isn't all that bad (3:1). It helps the females a bit. I was lucky enough to find a couple of guys that were willing to act like big brothers and watch out for me and show me around. Thanks guys! But you do have to make freshmen friends. That way you have someone there that is going through the same stuff you are and understands what is going on with you.

Orientation was interesting. I really liked the Professor we got to discuss our book, Dr. Gill. If you get the choice to take one of her classes I would highly reccommend her. She was really interesting. I would also ask you all to attend orientation. It was fun, and you get to meet a lot of new people. That is how we met our friend Taco. You'll see him in the pictures. Once classes started, sleep just tends to go out the window. Not good. You really should get into a good sleep schedule as soon as possible. It killed me the first day of classes. As for my classes I am taking Calculus III, First year Chem, Chem lab, Chem learning center help, Engineering 1101, and Themes of western Civilization. It is a 15 credit schedule. Nothing too bad. Well, my clac class is at 8 am. That isn't too fun, plus there are 240 people in that room. Other than that, the teachers are helpful. No, teachers don't want you to fail. If you aren't doing well in a class it is your fault, not theirs. So, don't blame them.

My folder is going to contain things that happen to me and places that I have been shown and realy liked. I hope you can visit a few of the places yourself. If you ever want, send me an e-mail. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Ask me anything you want. I'll do my best to get you an answer. Enjoy your stay!


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