Random Pics

Something fun happen this weekend and you got a picture of it? Are you and your circle of friends the only ones that know what is going on? Well, send it to us!!! We will get it online as soon as possible. Make sure they are clean... This isn't collegehumor.com.

waterfall2 This is part of the "gang" I hang out with. It was us four and one other guy (pictured later) that went off roading late one night. Late might not be the right word... let's go with around 7:00 pm, before dark. Isn't her car dirty?
waterfall2 This is our fifth person, Hi TED!!! This guy is hilarious!
waterfall2 The start of our trip, on the way to the beastly blazer.
waterfall2 And this would be Sarah sitting on her hood after it was all done. Yeah, I know I'm going out of order!
waterfall2 Don't tell me you're camera shy!?!
waterfall2 Now there we go! Aren't they sooooooooo cute? Katie, put your hair back next time, thanks.
waterfall2 This was taken from inside the passenger side window. Yes, he was literally hanging out his window. See what guys have to do here in order to get some attention?
waterfall2 This would be a mighty large scratch on the side of her blazer from another little romp in the woods. Try explaining that one to your dad, Sarah.
waterfall2 I swear, I thought she could make it. I didn't think her tow hooks were going to take out a huge chunk of grass. At least she is proud of her driving. Yes, a girl was driving the whole time and we didn't get stuck, lost, or injured in anyway.
waterfall2 And lastly, the guys moving a very large "branch" out of the road so we could get home. Over all, the trip was fun. If you want to know where some trails are, shoot me an e-mail. My address is at the bottom of the page. -Teaz
waterfall2 "Ted, get the F!@# off my BLAZER!"-Sarah

Hahaha, don't ask... Just trying to make a couple bucks for the weekend.

Say HI to the girls in the hall!!! HI girls! You be good tonight, don't be hanging out with any "bastards".

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Or call at one of the following: Call Teaz at 483-5172 or Call Dr. Peck Cho at 906-487-2891. Thanks!